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Proper Broadband

Discussion in 'Off topic - chew the fat' started by Zooey, Oct 10, 2019.

  1. I'm working on it and thank you. I'm going to reset the data usage and carry on as normal for a few days. As I see anything unwanted, I will continue to uninstall :)
  2. I had the same problem for a long time. We changed to use a mobile service with 100gb allowed per month. If you are streaming BBC News or Youtube it is quite easy to burn up 30gb. We easily burned up 100gb. Luckily we got an option for unlimited broadband (4G), which I signed up for. About a month later they installed fiberoptic in our village but I will be stuck with the mobile option for the next year or so before I finish my minimum contracted period.

    Are you storing your RAW files on dropbox? Is your computer backing up to dropbox?
  3. I do understand that the BBC will use a lot of data. It's for company though because we are very remote and I'm here on my own all week. I don't do YouTube though, or much else apart from a quick check of my rescue friends in Faceache. Hubby just pointed out that this will at least cover us when our line goes down, which it does on a fairly regular basis. I don't use any cloud storage. Or rather, I have plenty of free space with my web site, so I back up my important images there (as well as the three external drives and two locations rule). These things seem to have a life of their own. I've already killed Dropbox, Cortana and X-Box. I'll see what else sticks its head above the parapet over the coming days :)
  4. This internet thing is OK but we are all going to end up paying through the nose for it......That's the price we pay.

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