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Discussion in 'Flora & fauna' started by Oy, Feb 15, 2015.

  1. Oy

    Oy Master of the lucky shot! Staff Member

  2. He looks well fed.
  3. Sam


    Nice pics,the Shetlands are crafty ponies,but they do tend to be greedy.:)
  4. great these no.2 is ace
    is he really called steve?
  5. Steve the Shetland? Lovely shots, but he should be in a field the size of a postage stamp. Prone to laminitis are these little ones...
  6. Second one for me please and...Is his name really "Steve?" We asked him. He said. "Neigh"
  7. Dvorak

    Dvorak The Horizon Police

    Subtle vignettes, clever depth of field, cute subject. But...but...but...Steve?!?
  8. Seems naming horses is getting lazy these days having just come from the Andrew horse thread! He's a stunning looking beast though isnt he :thumbup:
  9. Oy

    Oy Master of the lucky shot! Staff Member

    He is - and he really has been called Steve for the last10 years that I know of ;)
  10. I always feel sorry for horses especially race horses given names like proud Scottish grenadier animals struggle with sylables and it's always better to have no more than one or two at most. A horse would appreciate a name like steve my iguana is called mike for that reason. Thank you for listening
  11. pot bellied horses
    lovely looking aminals
  12. Looks well fed, nice shots

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