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Room with a view

Discussion in 'Architecture' started by pete37038, Mar 17, 2015.

  1. Had to share this one! No marks for technical merit or composition.., just the comedy scene I had this morning when opening the curtains in the Ibis Hotel, Glasgow, only got there at 2200 last night and the curtains were closed.... opened them this morning to find THIS! lol, you could actually touch it out the window! if you ever go and get room 314 as for another hahaa. Well thought out architecture at its very highest level, and perfectly aligned classy brickwork as well...

    [​IMG]Room with a view . . (Glasgow Ibis) by Islandhopper74, on Flickr
  2. Oy

    Oy Master of the lucky shot! Staff Member

    Needs pointing :rofl:
  3. Not the best brickwork I have seen. I thought it was one of Dvoraks much loved modern art pictures at first.
  4. Dvorak

    Dvorak The Horizon Police

    You do need some education. All in all, it's just...

    Worse: no free biscuits with the teabag sachets. FAIL. Worse still: bet they make you pay for the wi-fi as well. If the Ibis folk are looking in here, we can also do great compliments for your brand for a small fee.
  5. its enough to drive you up the wall
    but ive seen worse
  6. I'd be concerned with that wall deciding to come visit you in the room with the doggy looking bricklaying going on!
  7. Don't think you will go there again.
  8. Sam


    It would be difficult to put scaffolding up,other than that,it maybe a unique view.:)
  9. Haha summert off carry on that

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