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Discussion in 'Architecture' started by Hollander, Mar 16, 2020.

  1. Wrought iron work, Midland Hotel, Manchester.
    [​IMG]Mid1 by Hollander, on Flickr
  2. Stansgang

    Stansgang Keep it straight!

    Very observant, been past there on numerous occasions and never seen this shot.
  3. I like this kind of shot, very nice.
  4. On the Lower Mosley St side Stan - just before you reach St Peter's Square.
  5. Amazing detail! I wouldn't be tall enough to take a shot like this :)
  6. Dvorak

    Dvorak The Horizon Police

    I missed this the other week, apologies.

    I like the contrast of the baroque style ironwork and the dull squares of the modern building far behind.

    Somewhere in the past I recall reading that the Nazis fancied using the Midland as a central UK base had they won the war, so avoided bombing that part of the city.
  7. Sam


    I missed it too,a lot of skill to make these,wrought iron is lovely to work with,I tried it a couple of
    times,I am surprised that their still allowed to advertise mild steel gates as wrought iron.
  8. Wonderful detail.
  9. Never had my camera with me when I went past this place. The old architecture of Manchester unfortunately is being swept away in a lot of cases but there are some magnificent shots to be got.

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