Flickr message?

Discussion in 'General chit-chat' started by jon_t, Aug 17, 2017.

  1. This popped up this morning on flickr ,how long before it starts being messed with like photobucket :( who will have all your details again?

    Flickr and Yahoo are now part of “Oath” and are members of the Verizon family of companies. Beginning 15 September 2017, we plan to share some user information within our new family

    probably the beginning of the end for Free Flickr I would think.
  2. Dvorak

    Dvorak The Horizon Police

    Thanks for the note.

    I was advised against Flickr, but yes - anything that refers with faux casual friendliness to a "new family" is hard not to read as suspicious!

    Plenty of fun with Photobucket for me as I try to recover the last of my old images from them to close my account. They won't let me.
  3. The worry is with these merged family companies is how they use your details ,and who across the world has your bank details etc ,who is using your name and e-mail address for wrong reasons ,recently there have been loads of instances with yahoo were e-mail addresses and password have been accessed from yahoo accounts ,ive had to change my bt e-mail password almost monthly because they won't break away from yahoo ,which they promised to do 4 years ago due to security breaches, also I wouldn't be surprised if images are not shared also ,so I guess we have to be careful more and more what we post I suppose,unless we want others making money out of our shots without us knowing.
  4. Stansgang

    Stansgang Keep it straight!

    I use Flickr only now, i did use photobucket,i never put full file sizes on only the size i need for posting on here.You can also just make up a user name and use an Email address from loads available and dont use that Email address for anything else.I never use any site for storing my pics on i prefer to keep them inhouse ie on my laptop and backed up on external hard drives,less you give them less they can use or distribute.......Moral of story ,trust no fooker.
  5. Yeah I saw the message, and figured it would be a share details and spam you crap.

    I have an email I only use for Flickr on that account, and only ever upload at post size for Shutternutters nothing bigger.
  6. Exacty what I do. DTA. Don't Trust Anyone.
  7. very much doubt this is anything new?
  8. Just that Flickr has been baught out again for about the 4th time ,or yahoo have
  9. lets hope its not the bucket folk
  10. Oy

    Oy Master of the lucky shot! Staff Member

    They're all prolly owned by a big mon sat in a leather chair stroking a white kitty.
  11. You missed the cigar :D
  12. Oy

    Oy Master of the lucky shot! Staff Member

    Ok - the kitty is smoking a cigar :)
  13. Every time you use Google they are recording your information. Then they use it. They sell it, they manipulate all sorts of things with the data they gather. It's the way of the WWW. Information is power and money. You will never stop it. By the way I am told BING doesn't do this with your data.......whether that is true or not I don't know.
  14. I've given up with all these sites. Last month I transferred my blog over to a self-hosted one. It was a fair bit of work re-linking 4 years of images, but well worth it :)

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