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Country Lane

Discussion in 'Digital artwork' started by Kevin, Dec 30, 2017.

  1. Ok another composite a bit more surreal this one, not sure if it works, is it a bit too much colour wise?. Can't come up with a decent title for it either.
    [​IMG]Pathway by kevin barnes, on Flickr
  2. Oy

    Oy Master of the lucky shot! Staff Member

    Hmmm... lots of strong magenta cast going on. The wall and gate - her face.
  3. I like the structure of the shot but the colours aren't right for me. "Morticias wedding?"
  4. Yes it is a work in progress i have been struggling with the colours
  5. Oy

    Oy Master of the lucky shot! Staff Member

    A white balance correction using the wall has made that and her face look better. Obviously you could apply this selectively.

  6. Dvorak

    Dvorak The Horizon Police

    Looks like an impressionist painting, Renoir's Woman with Parasol style. And I do like the impressionists.

    Must say that I'd love this as a straight shot but as a graphic the colours are a little fussy on my eyes.
  7. Thanks for the input Oy, her face does look better but to me the scene looks too green and over saturated, but i could easily reduce that. As i stated it is a work in progress and hopefully i can get it right eventually as i quite like the scene itself.
  8. Oy

    Oy Master of the lucky shot! Staff Member

    A little bit yeah - but still a fair bit of magenta in those rocks and her face. I just layer masked the rocks and face in from my version and it worked ok. 25% layer of my version from the rest worked too. Although I realise we're not going for photorealism with stuff like this.

  9. Cheers mate thanks for the input.
  10. For some reason or other, I like the first shot. I don't normally like photos like this, but it has something that appeals. Oys last offering is good too and the difference is evident, however ...................... bugger, I hate sitting on the fence ( Marmite moment ) :)

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