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Brookwood Cemetery - the grounds

Discussion in 'Landscapes and outdoor scenes' started by Shirlm, Mar 7, 2024.

  1. I’ve been to Brookwood Military Cemetery a number of times but had no idea the civilian section was so vast. Many trees were planted including redwoods which are now huge and give a lovely peaceful atmosphere.

    In 1849 2268 acres of heathland was purchased to house London’s deceased. Immediately 350 acres was divided by paths and avenues into separate ‘grounds’ some of which were allotted to different London parishes, and to various religious denominations, as it catered for all classes and faiths. The first burial took place in 1854, Hearse Carriages (with three different classes) for the coffins came into the cemetery on its dedicated branch line from the adjoining South Western Main Line. There were two stations in the cemetery itself, one serving the non-conformist side (North) One serving the Anglican side (South). The southern platform still exists.

    [​IMG], on Flickr

    #2 Ismaili Cemetery, facing Mecca and following the lines of the old railway tracks
    [​IMG], on Flickr

    [​IMG], on Flickr

    [​IMG], on Flickr

    #5 A bit of water
    [​IMG], on Flickr
  2. Oy

    Oy Master of the lucky shot! Staff Member

    Looks like an interesting place for a mooch about! Well captured :)
  3. A very interesting looking graveyard, and even though it makes a good photo, I find waterlogged graves a very sad sight.
  4. Thanks both.
    We've had so much rain this year that many places that are never waterlogged are under water, this being one.
  5. Dvorak

    Dvorak The Horizon Police

    Shot five! :clap:

    Fascinating place.
  6. Thank you
  7. That first shot reminds me of the cemetery at Ince in Makerfield. Lots of graves in disrepair; it gets flooded as well.
  8. Great series and I love graveyards. Always fascinating sights .

    Shot 5 is my fave
  9. Excellent photos and an interesting history of the place. #5 Is my favourite.
  10. Thank everyone there is definitely lots of history and plenty to see

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