Ahoy hoy

Discussion in 'Intros & bios' started by Blampish, Dec 21, 2017.

  1. My name is Neil, I've been interested in photography over the last 15 years or so, and like to experiment with lots of different subject and styles

    I live in the North West, and as well as photography I'm rather geeky and like sci-fi and fantasy, particularly things like Doctor Who, Star Wars, and Lord of the Rings. I'm also into comic books too I'm a graphic designer and also do some video work, and web design too, and am into origami, playing guitar and writing poetry.

    Enough of an intro?
  2. Hello Neil. Its enough for me. (Another Doctor Who geek, there's a few on here).
  3. Oy

    Oy Master of the lucky shot! Staff Member

  4. Welcome....You'll find a few people here to get your inner geek on with.
  5. Hi Neil and welcome to the forum! :)
  6. How do, and that's a fine intro. :thumbup:
  7. Dvorak

    Dvorak The Horizon Police

    A warm welcome sir.

    It's a while since I trundled a Dalek onto a photo for here but you have laid down the challenge.

    Enjoy the fun and we're looking forward to hearing from you.
  8. I managed to get to the Doctor Who Experience again recently, just before it closed, but most of my shots were more just snapshots than anything especially worthy of posting here to be honest.

    I've got a couple of Fourth Doctor scarves and love doing fun little photoshoots with those, my favourite shot I've taken like that was with my best friend and fellow Whovian. This is part of a series of shots I did with all of my closest friends, focused on our hands, sharing in something together:

    "We're confusing the polarity!"
  9. Welcome, and hello from me!

    I won’t hold it against you the being into Mr Who and Dr Spocks.
  10. Stansgang

    Stansgang Keep it straight!

    I will ,can we not just have Ordinary folk Joining.......Enough Nerds on here,we even have train spotters:sofa: you will get used to me in time.Welcome .
  11. Dvorak

    Dvorak The Horizon Police

    Nice one.

    I was there about a fortnight before it shut to get this thread. Record shots and lots of family ones.
  12. Nice shots :) Mine were more just documenting shots, more than anything thought-out or interesting.

    I'd been for the first time back in 2015 and, while we we were in Cardiff, they were filming...and we found a location shoot!! Sadly I only had my compact cam with me and we were a fair distance away, so the photos I got aren't good...but it was fantastic to see them shooting!! It was a scene from the end of The Zygon Inversion, with the Doctor, Clara and Osgood in the park. Also went to see the Symphonic Spectacular show on that trip too, hosted by Peter Davison, and conducted by Ben Foster. What a fantastic show!

    A couple of shots from the location shoot we found - some funny faces from Capaldi! haha




  13. Oh no another one :rofl:
    Welcome aboard Neil
  14. Dvorak

    Dvorak The Horizon Police

    Um. I rather think they are! :thumbup:

    Shots of the cast having fun filming the final scenes from the Zygon two parter trumps anything I've done: nice work. :geek:
  15. Welcome from me too ( even though I'm not a Dr Who fan) :D
  16. Welcome to wonderland.....well not really but you can walk tall as a Scifi fantasy type as far as I am concerned. (My mate belongs to the Spectre Troupe who dress up as stormtroopers etc for " charitable purposes"....so he says! So I have to suffer it on a regular basis, mind you I get to borrow his light sabre...

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