Ring Billed Gull

Discussion in 'Flora & fauna' started by gfitzgerald, Feb 6, 2020.

  1. Quite the long shot, cropped heavy also. Don't know why these birds were inland so far as to be just south of Atlanta Ga. They were fishing the drained lake at Charlie Elliot WMA
    [​IMG]IMGP3562 by Glenn Fitzgerald, on Flickr
  2. Dvorak

    Dvorak The Horizon Police

    Tell us more about this drained lake? I see water!

    Good moment caught for us.
  3. Nice action shot.
  4. Thanks Dv. This is Bennett Lake which is below Margery and separated only by a dam with road over it. I had not been back there since last year some time and found the lower one drained. It still has water overflow from Margery running into it and shallow water in part of it. These two and Fox Lake where the Osprey nest are the most popular fishing and boating lakes. There were about 7 herons wading and fishing near the far shore.
  5. Thank you Shirley
  6. excellent
  7. Thanks jon_t

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