What A Load Of Pollocks

Discussion in 'Digital artwork' started by stanokella, Nov 30, 2017.

  1. I watched Spike Island last week, it's about a group of Mancs trying to get to see the Stone Roses at the Spike Island gig in 1990.

    Seeing the artwork on the Stone Roses promo stuff, I decided to have a go at the old paint splash arty type stuff.

    You may like, you may hate, I don't care!

    [​IMG]Pollocks, stone me Mr Squire. by Stan O'Kella, on Flickr
  2. Did you do this digitally or is it a a shot of a painting done Stone Roses style with splashing paint? Either way I do like it. My lad is 15 now and getting into music he loves Oasis, and the Arctic Monkeys. I played him the Stone Roses the other day ("I am the Resurrection") . Unfortunately he didn't seem to like it..
  3. Stansgang

    Stansgang Keep it straight!

    I like it,used to love doing this stuff at school.Have you tried swinging plastic cups with paint in over a canvas,that produces nice patterns.
  4. That could be worth a fortune :) I like it.
  5. Dvorak

    Dvorak The Horizon Police

    Well, it's not art.

    But it's an interesting image...

  6. Change the P to a B :) LOL.
  7. I don't understand art but I know something when I see it and like it. I personally wouldn't class it as "ART" (Went to Spike Island some years ago on the bikes and got bloody soaked coming back home........)
  8. I can relate to that. When the stone roses were actually in the charts in the 90’s I hated indie stuff. Was all heavy metal, hard rock for my guitar music loves.

    Only as I got older did I start it appreciate it and bought an album or 2, and enjoyed the sound.

    Picture is all photoshop, created with brushes, adjustment layers, layer styles and a filter or 2. Done as a technical exercise and I liked the result.

    Surely that is understanding art? If you like it’s art, if not then to you personally it’s not.

    Thanks for the comments, and the opinions.
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2017
  9. I had visions of you chucking paint around with a floppy hat on and then flying your drone over it..:whistle:
  10. It's your art. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. Personally I love it because it has a great sense of balance :)
  11. If that is done in PS then hats off to ya mate. It's not my tasse de té, but I can appreciate the skill need to do that in PS.
  12. Oy

    Oy Master of the lucky shot! Staff Member

    That ^^^^ :)
  13. Wow I like!!
  14. The picture itself does nothing for me but I can appreciate the PS skills involved in doing such a picture. Great shoppery.
  15. Different ,and I like it too :)

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