The last supper.

Discussion in 'Still life' started by Sam, Dec 31, 2014.

  1. Sam


    cast at Walmsleys in Wigan.
  2. Oy

    Oy Master of the lucky shot! Staff Member

    Mary Magdelene looking good there at Jesus' right :whistle:
  3. Been reading the Da Vinci code again? Never seen that before very nice and very unusual.
  4. It looks like they're all kicking off.
  5. Great detail in there, did you work at Walmsleys Maurice?
  6. Sam


    I didnt Jeff,but I knew a couple of molders,the place closed in the very late 70s,after a buyout and moved to Bury,and closed for good soon after.:(
  7. Lol you don't want to get me started :)
  8. Dvorak

    Dvorak The Horizon Police

    This is ours - dating from the first half of the 20th century when it was bought in a charity shop in Bolton by Mrs Dvorak's grandmother. It is a weighty bronzed version, measuring 26 inches across and is similar to Maurice's. I would love more information. There are much smaller ones going on eBay for three figure sums. There seems to be some link to one Arnold Hartig, a Bohemian medalist working in Vienna until his death at over 90 in 1972. I guess ours is a copy but must be closely linked in age to the originals.









    5 Reverse:

  9. Sam


    The o
  10. Dvorak

    Dvorak The Horizon Police

    ^ ^ ^


    Many, many thanks for this Maurice: brilliant help. Any thoughts on dates for yours or whether there's any interesting differences between the differing materials used in ours?
  11. Oy

    Oy Master of the lucky shot! Staff Member

    Which one's Theo? :rofl:
  12. Sam


    I have no idea how old the mold is Dv,the only thing I do know is that the chap who gave it to me was a molder at Wigan,then moved to Bury,and made the casting there,the mold could have been there for years,I do know we got ours in 1980,I suppose the were cast in what ever metal they were using,ours is alluminium.

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